Organo romantico inglese
Moseley in Birmingham
Memoria richiesta: 1.30 GB (Default, 16 bit)
Tastiere: 2 + pedaliera
Registri: 30
Intonazione: La=446 Hz Temperamento Equabile
Ampiezza tastiere: 61 note
Ampiezza pedaliera: 30 note |
Open Diapason Large 8 , Open Diapason Small 8, Dulciana 8, Lieblich Gedact 8, Principal 4, Clear Flute 4, Fifteenth 2, Mixture IV, Trumpet 8, Clarion 4
Lieblich Bourdon 16, Geigen Principal 8, Salicet 4, Rohr Flute 8, Flauto Magico 4, Gamba 8, Voix Celeste 8, Piccolo 2, Mixture III, Clarinet 8, Trumpet 8, Oboe 8' (metal, Nicholson), Contra Fagotto 16, Tremulant
Echo Bass 16, Sub-Bass 16, Principal 8, Bass Flute 8, Fifteenth 4, Trombone 16
Swell Octave, Swell Sub-Octave, Swell Unison Off, Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal , Swell, Octave to Great , Swell Sub-Octave to Great, Great and Pedal Pistons Coupled, Swell to Great Melody, Pedal to Great Bass, Crescendo on Swell, Crescendo on Great, Crescendo on Pedal